06.09.2024Versjon 1.0Forfatter: Thea Lind Noer og Marita Kjenner WikenGodkjent av: Inger JohansenGodkjent dato: 2024-09-06

Information in preparation for surgery 

We would like the day of surgery to take place as smooth as possible for you. We believe it is important that you are as well prepared as possible, which will also prevent infections. Here are some practical instructions for you to consider. Please contact us if you require more information.

-Do not wear make-up, perfume or creams.

-Piercings are prohibited and must be removed.

-Remove watches, jewelry and rings.

-Remove nail polish and cut your nails. Do not go to a podiatrist due to the increased risk of skin tears and wounds that can lead to the operation being cancelled.

-Change to clean bed linen the night before surgery. Shower and wash yourself with chlorhexidine wipes right before bedtime. Sleep in clean pajamas. Repeat the wash using chlorhexidine wipes in the morning and dress with clean clothes. Read carefully the instructions for the chlorhexidine wipes.

-Do not take your regular medications in the morning of your surgery unless agreed on beforehand.

-With full anesthesia dental prosthesis will be removed in the operation theatre on the day.

-Hair will be removed as needed at the hospital. The hospital staff will assist with this unless otherwise agreed.

-Remove contact lenses.

-Valuables are deposited and kept in the ward for safety.

-You will receive preoperative medications, which includes pain relief.

Hours before hospital attendance time

Patients can eat/drink

Up until 1 hour

150 ml clear water

2 hours

Clear fluids excluding fluids with particles, proteins or fat- Unlimited amount of water, cordial, juice without pulp, broth, carbonated soft drink, black tea and coffee (no milk).

Carbohydrate-containing drinks, including sport drinks and pre-op-drinks without fats and proteins.

Chewing gum, el.cigarettes and all forms of nicotine, such as cigarettes and snus (including nicotine free snus)

6 hours

Normal food and non-animal milk (no form of milk). Nutritional drinks with fats and proteins.


Alcohol and other drugs/narcotics cannot be used in the fasting period. Oral premedication are given with maximum half a glass of water at the latest 30 minutes before anesthesia.